Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Tribune, 21 March 1872]

Little did we surmise last Thursday, when noticing the apparently slight illness of Mr. E.H. Steggall, that within a few days thereafter, it would be our melancholy duty to accompany his mortal remains to their last resting place. He was a vigorous, hearty man, in the prime of life, and up to Thursday, was scarcely confined to his bed, having visited his store on the morning of that day; but on the morning of the day following his illness assumed a most serious phase, and on Saturday morning, by daylight, and before scarcely any of his friends was aware that he had anything more than a “heavy cold,” he was a corpse. Although by no means a stranger in a strange land, yet he had not a relative this side of the Atlantic. We believe he was about 45 years of age, and a native of Suffolk, England. His funeral took place on Sunday, and was the largest we have ever seen in this town. As he was a Free Mason, being a member of Prince Edward’s Lodge, Picton, Ont., his burial was conducted according to the Masonic Ritual; the members of Merritt Lodge and large number of brethren from adjoining Lodges attending in procession, and taking charge of the disposal of the remains of their deeply regretted brother.-R.W. Bro. I.P. Willson conducting the service in a most impressive manner. The burial service of the Episcopalian Church was also held over his remains by the Rev. Mr. Creighton, at the Church of that denomination in this town, in the place of interment adjoining which his remains were laid. Deceased was open hearted, affable and respected, and his absence will be missed and mourned by the very large circle of friends which he had gained in this place. Referring to his totally unexpected decease, no commentary is more appropriate than the oft repeated yet always appropriate scriptural one,-“Verily, in the midst of life we are in death.”

Died: 16 March 1872

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