Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about

Hear L.B. Duff

[Welland Tribune 1940]

Mrs. G.V. Cordon opened her home on Niagara street last evening for a meeting of the Joan of Arc chapter I.O.D.E. Mrs R.B. Burns presided and led in a discussion of ways and means for raising funds to buy more wool to knit into articles for the soldiers. Next month officers will be selected and the nominations committee includes Miss Minnie McPherson, Miss Katharine McKeon and Mrs Donald Carew with Miss Cora Marshall. Mrs A. N. Conklin and Mrs F. Durdan appointed to act as scrutineers. Mrs H.J. Dougherty and Mrs C. Gelling were introduced as two new members. L. B. Duff addressed the members in his inimitable and entertaining fashion. Mrs Cordon served refreshments at the close of the meeting.

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