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The TALES you probably never heard about

FENIAN RAID OF ‘66 (Part 8)

[People's Press, 16 June 1908]


             Advance of Col. Peacock’s Forces. “On Saturday afternoon Col. Peacock, learning that the Fenians were falling back, immediately ordered his forces at New Germany, consisting of artillery and infantry, to advance. This was well done and the troops marched till dark, encamping on the ferry road about four miles from Fort Erie.

             Early on Sunday morning the whole force started for Fort Erie, the 47th Regulars acting as skirmishers. Before reaching the village, tidings of the escape of the marauders arrived, and on entering the village the unpleasant truth became known that the birds had flown, and thus ended the invasion of Canada.

             The Prisoners-In attempting to cross the river, however, Gen. O’Neill with 400 of his men were intercepted by the tug Harrison and steamer Michigan, and compelled to heave to, when a hawser was attached and the Fenians with their craft were made fast to Michigan, which proceeded to anchor in midstream, where she still continues at this writing, awaiting orders from Washington as to the final disposal of the prisoners.

             Besides the 400 on the scow, a large number have made their escape across in small boats, etc., and probably a hundred or so were left in the woods. Of these latter, many have been captured by the troops and others are still turning up.”-Taken from the Welland Tribune, dated June 7, 1866.

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