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Author Declares Many Newlyweds are Insane at the Time

[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 20 January 1927]

Hartford, Conn., Jan. 20-”Happy marriages should be regarded as a work of art and not as a work of nature,” Dr. Joseph Collins, author of “The Doctor Looks at Love and Life,” said at the monthly luncheon of the Women’s City club in a talk on “Marriage.”

“The chief reason why marriage is not a success is because it is contracted while the parties are insane,” continued Dr. Collins. “The vast majority of brides and grooms are in no more favorable situation to make a contract than are raving maniacs. And like all insanities not founded on organic ailments, the love mania ends in recovery. The average duration of the mania of love is six years.”

Causes of Unhappiness

“When conjugality loses its zest, the partners should become aware of companionship, the essential thing in happy matrimony. Failures in matrimony are due to hasty and ill-advised marriages and to ignorance of the art of love.”

“Being in love is not a reason for marriage, and unless it is followed by mutual respect, confidence and admiration it is the poorest reason for marriage. A man and woman should not marry while they are in love, and yet there is one fatal observation to trial marriages-they are necessarily childless, and a childless marriage is at best a makeshift. Childless marriages are five times more apt to end in divorce courts than ordinary marriages.”

“The essential solution of the marriage problem is that love shall be treated as an art. Unless we pay some attention to it as an art, the divorce courts are going to be even more crowded than they are now. When two individuals are seized with the desire for blending their lives into one, there is a spiritual beauty which arises, and unless this wonderful quality is tenderly nurtured, it will not be lasting.”

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