[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 27 January 1921]
The death of Gottlob Schoeffl, as the result of an accident at Welland, on January 14th, removes one of the pioneer figures of this county. Well known for the sterling qualities of industry, energy and integrity, which distinguished the best and most useful of the pioneer stock. He had considerable business ability, and was very capable and successful in most of his undertakings. He was of the class which prefer to wear out, rather than to rust out. Mr. Schoeffel was born a British subject, but during his childhood the family resided for a few years in Buffalo and Olean. In 1845, when he was six years old, they came to Canada and settled in Welland County. Where has lived continuously since. Some time ago he received an injury, which obliged him to use crutches, but in spite of this drawback, he was still untiringly active and he retained his faculties to a very remarkable degree. He has received a careful religious training in childhood, and in recent years, spent much time, in reading of that nature.
He was one of a large family of which the only sorrowing members are, one sister, Mrs. Stephen Barney, and a brother, Augustus Schoeffel. There are also several nephews and nieces.
The funeral on Tuesday, January 18, was quite largely attended, the very appropriate service being conducted by Rev. Canon Davis. Interment was made at Overholt’s Cemetery.
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