Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 7 June 1921]

A unique event in the history of the community took place at Niagara-on-the-Lake Friday, in such a setting as only old Niagara in the leafy month of June can supply. The historical building was the Mecca of members of the Niagara Historical Society who gathered from far and near to assist in the presentation of the portrait of Miss Janet Carnochan, the founder of the society and the inspection of many other historical societies in both the Provence and the Dominion.

The gathering was presided over by Canon Garrett, Vice-President of the Society who made the presentation closing with most appropriate verses sent by Peter McArthur, who was unable to be present. Miss Carrnochan replied in her well-known wise and witty way. The portrait is by Wylie Grier and the painter has caught her characteristic expression of interested attention.

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