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Bronze Tablet Unveiled With Fitting Ceremonies

[The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 1 March 1921]

“In the Faith of Jesus Christ we dedicate this Tablet to the Glory of God and in memory of twenty-six men of the Parish, who, in the Great War gave their lives for God and King and Country.”

As Capt. Lyons of Grimsby recited these words, at the unveiling of the memorial tablet in Holy Trinity Church on Friday evening, the flags on the west wall of the church gradually parted revealing a beautiful bronze tablet imbedded therein-a beautiful tribute to the memory of the twenty-six men of the congregation of Holy Trinity Church who so nobly gave their lives in the late war, for God, King and Country. Following these words the congregation, for a brief period, stood in silence with bowed heads and offered a prayer  to their Maker for the brave departed, while from another part of the church, the strains of the “Last Post.”

The names engraved on the tablet were:-

Major G.M. Davis, C.A.M.C.
Sergt. Robt. Hy. Best.
Sergt..Hy. Fred Fuller.
Pte. Thos. Rushton Thompson
Pte. James Howard Osborne.
Pte. George Cooper.
Pte. Fred Jos. Hopley.
Pte, Edward H. Stringer.
Pte. Ernest Arthur Rogers.
Pte. Richard Charles Rogers.
Pte. Arthur John Forster.
Pte. Kennedy Dennis.
Pte. Wellington P. Boyle.
Pte. George Stallard.
Pte. James Stallard.
Pte. James Clark.
Pte, G. Saunders.
Pte. Ernest William Dove.
Pte. Alexander Russell.
Pte. John Withey.
Pte. Ronald Crooks.
Pte. Arthur Lowfield.
Pte. Arnold M. Pinder.
Pte. Joseph Clark.
Pte. Frank Higgins
Pte. Percy Goodwin.

Major Gordon of Niagara Falls preached a sermon very fitting to the occasion, taking part for his text the words “Their bodies are buried in peace, but their names liveth forevermore.” Memory stated, Major Gordon is Canada’s greatest possession. The whole of Canada; in every home, is every farmhouse, are doing what we are doing this evening, reverencing the men who fell in battle.

“These men who fell had the greatest qualities could have, love of country or love of home. Greater love has no man than he who lays down his life for his country. Don’t weep for the soldier who died a soldier’s death, urged Major Gordon. Could there be a better way of leaving this world than on the field of battle.

Those who we valued as our greatest possession have passed to their rest. They have accomplished their duty.

If we forget these men who followed the example of Jesus Christ and died for others, we will make one of the greatest mistakes that could be made. Those of us who have lost someone who has been very dear to us, will remember to our dying day, but those of us who have not, will soon forget. To them Major Gordon urged that they keep fresh and green the memory of these men.

We have, for an example. These twenty-six men who laid down their lives. Keep them in our memory forever.

The church was filled for the ceremonies. The G.W.V.A. attended in a body.

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