Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[History of the Village of Fonthill. 1944]

One of the early settlers in these parts was Captain Henry Buchner, coming from Staten Island, N.Y and I believe was the first U.E. Loyalist to settle at Cook’s Mills.

His grandson, Wesley Buchner, moved to Fonthill at the time of his marriage, buying a farm just west of the D’Everardo place and known for years as the Buchner farm He had seven children, four boys and three girls. The Buchner boys took the contract for dredging part of the second Welland Canal, but through unforeseen developments, lost heavily.

One of his daughters, Victoria, became the wife of Benjamin Canby, another, Laura married George Hill, and still another, Celia, wed George Randall, thus uniting four well-known families of the village.

The farm passed out of the family when it was purchased by Albert Railton who, after some years moved from the original homestead, building an imposing residence now owned by Mr Mawhinney. On the site of the old Buchner home, Mr Roy Davis of the Atlas Steels, having bought a portion of the farm, has erected a beautiful country home, built around a silo which was part of the original barn and turning the property into a well kept Country Estate.

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