Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


Which took place on Mr. Ware’s Birthday, Oct. 7th

(By the Crowland Post)

{Welland Tribune, 13 October 1905}

It was a real surprise last week,
Thorold township’s reeve can tell;
The one that had the thing in hand
Sure did the work right well.

A goodly number came in time
To have a social chat,
They brought their baskets with them
All filled with this and that.

Now Mrs. Rodgers first came in
Says “Mae what’s on the go!”
She rarely comes to visit us
With her “fix up” just so.

But soon the rigs came wheeling in
Drove sleep from Charlie’s eyes,
He says, “I think that they have got
On me a big surprise.”

There’s Tommy S. of Methodist road
Came walking in at nine
With half a dozen others
A trailing in a line.

Well, here comes neighbor Vanderburg,
He drove his carry-all,
Because his family must come down
And some of them are small.

From Crowland too, came Cecil H.,
He brought his maw and paw,
He seemed so very bashful-
But then you know-O pshaw!

The Overholts were there in force,
Came with a double team
And brought me peaches for to eat,
Forgot to bring the cream.

Some of the Misener’s invites got
Or rather word was sent,
So this is how we’ll fix it-
Three generations went.

The two Miss Hagar’s, too, were there;
We hope that none are missed;
With Charley Clark and his two boys
To finish up the list.

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