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The TALES you probably never heard about


Thorold News

[Welland Tribune, 28 January 1898]

The sad intelligence of the death of Dr. McClure in Toronto on Sunday afternoon was received by Rev. W.A. Cook on Sunday evening. On Monday when the citizens learned of it many were the expressions of genuine sympathy with young and old. His visits, both socially and professionally, too many homes will be sadly missed. He was a good friend to the poor when sickness or misfortune overtook them. The doctor has not been in the best of health lately, and about two months ago went to Toronto to consult the doctors. They recommended an operation which they hoped would remove the trouble, but the operation seems not to have been as successful as was hoped for. However, the patient rallied, and last week left the hospital and went to his brother-in-law’s, James Mitchell’s. He was preparing to return home this week and was looking forward to it, with pleasure, but such was not to be. Mrs. McClure was with him through all his illness. The remains were brought home on Tuesday morning. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, from his home to Lakeview cemetery. The deceased was an elder in the Presbyterian church and a great personal friend of Rev. Mr. Cook, who conducted the services at the home, assisted by Revs. Crawford (Niagara Falls), Ratcliffe (St. Catharines), Robertson (Merritton), Demill (St. Catharines). The choir of the church rendered several hymns. The pallbearers were: Geo. Gray, Jas. Madill, Jos. Houghan, Jas. Paterson, W.J. McCartney, Adelbert Clark. The TRIBUNE extends its sympathy to Mrs. McClure and daughters in their sad bereavement.

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