Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Compiled by “S”]

In 1888 the red brick school was built. The contractor was William Vandeburg. The brick was taken from the brickyard at Candasville.

In 1904 a library was established with a cupboard filled with books.. Cement sidewalks replaced the wooden ones, a flag pole and  new seats.

In 1951 a new fence was built around the school. In 1956 the Lincoln county centennial, the pupils took part in Empire day program at Wellandport with a field day and had a Christmas concert that year.


At the front of the school were two doors, one for the girls, one for the boys. Each had a cloak room and a toilet.

A wood stove was located in the middle of the room. Rows of desks, on the left were ones for the grade one students and the larger ones to the right were for grade six students.

Two little libraries, one near the grade one desks for younger children and a larger cupboard at the back of the room with glass doors.

Here is where I found all of the Nancy Drew books, my favorite. There were also Hardy Boys books.

The floor was wooden, at the front of the room was the teacher’s desk which contained a strap and a bell.  At the front of the room there was a world globe, an abacus, also a chalk board. A piano stood at the side and a radio as well.

There was a large school yard where we played baseball, skip rope or tag games.. A wooden shed and pump for water was at the back.

My grandmother, Irene Leidens was the caretaker of the school for over thirty years.She arrived early in the morning to get the old wood stove burning so it was warm when everyone arrived, She looked after the children until the teacher arrived.

A typical day at school would begin when the teacher rang the bell at 9 a.m. The school day ended at 4 p.m. We sang ‘God save the Queen” and said the Lord’s Prayer.  We had recess at 10.30 and ate lunch at our desks then played outside. After lunch the teacher would read a story to the classes. We had subjects such as spelling, reading, printing, arithmetic, history, art and geography.

At Christmas there was a concert. I recall playing “Silent Night” on the piano. There was singing and plays and lots of homemade goodies. Most of the community attended. School was fun. The older children looked after the younger ones.

The school was sold in 1965 when the new school was built in Bismarck, Ontario. It became a private residence.

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