Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Tribune Jan 1956]

Mr and Mrs Cameron Hill and daughter Marilyn, were guests at a birthday dinner, at the home of Mrs Hill’s parents Mr and Mrs Dell at Gas Line, on Wednesday. It being Mrs Hill’s and her father’s birthday.

Mr and Mrs John Gracey, Jr and family of Mittleport, NY were Christmas day guests at the parental home, Mr and Mrs John Gracey, Sr and Mr and Mrs Cecil Gracey and son Blake.

Mrs Clifford Gee, Miss Dorothy Gee and Mr Chester Zieminiak, spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Hierhny and son Danny at Hamilton

Christmas day visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm E, Heaslip were Mr and Mrs Murray Hill and Jerry, Mrs Judson Jamieson and Helen, Mrs Ernie Hess, Mrs Wm Cutler and Mrs James Hill..

Mr Wray Beamer of the Royal bank staff, Oakville spent the Christmas week end at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer.

Mrs E,E, Gracey, Omer Gracey, Mr and Mrs Robert Lampman, and Mr and Mrs Nolan Gracey spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Norman Kerlock and Cathy at Hamilton

Mrs James Hill is spending a few days at Welland with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Arnold Reid and family attending the family dinner there on Monday.

Rev George Comfort, Mr Paul Comfort and family spent Christmas with Mr Alvin Comfort and daughter Miss Winnie Comfort.

Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and Wray were guests on Monday at a family dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs Elwin Coon, Beamsville, Ontario.

Mr and Mrs Robins of Tonawanda,NY and Mr and Mrs Wm Heaslip Jr. And family were guests of Mr and Mrs Wm E. Heaslip on Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs Gordon Stirtzinger and son Warren of St Catharines visited Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer on Tuesday.

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