Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph December 23, 1941]

Boyle, Dec, 22-Dorothy Gee of Highway 20 spent Wednesday with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Mrs C.E. Dyer of New Toronto returned home on Monday after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr Heaslip.

Mrs Edgar Heise and son Lloyd of Markham were recent guests of the former’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Wray Vanderburg and daughter Marian.

Mr and Mrs William Graham and Chester Lambert were at Welland on Monday.

Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Wm J, Anderson. She also visited her father, John Hill.

John Tait, who is stationed with the Navy arrived home from Montreal on Friday to spend Christmas with his wife and children, Patricia and Bobby.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick were guests Wednesday of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

LAC Cecil Cocks of Mountain View spent Sunday with his wife and son Philip at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Wm Anderson called on Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville on Thursday.

Mrs Sidney Heaslip is convalescing at her home following a serious operation at Hamilton General hospital.

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