Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph November 7, 1941]

Boyle, Nov 7-A number of ladies of Bethel United church were entertained at the home of Mrs Roy Overholt on Tuesday afternoon in aid of the Red Cross Society.

The afternoon was spent quilting and two quilts were completed. The material for the one was donated by Mrs Overholt and Mrs Heaslip donated the batting. The other one was donated by Mrs Amos Beamer. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Chester Lambert.

Mrs Sarah Immel and her granddaughter, Miss I Gilmore of Welland called on Mr and Mrs William Cutler on Sunday.

Mrs Ernie Boyes of highway 20 and Mrs Robert Schwoob and daughter June of Wellandport spent Tuesday with their parents, Mr and Mrs Emerson Horton.

Mr and Mrs Murray Winger of Wainfleet spent Monday with the formers parents Mr and Mrs Marshall Winger.

Relatives from Beamsville spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Clarence Beam and son Larry.

Mrs Earl Bossert and daughter Anna and sons Paul and Ralph of Buffalo spent Wednesday with the former’s sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort.

Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson included Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto.

Miss Verna Winger of Highway 20 is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Fred Traver and family at Wellandport. Miss Winger is convalescing following an appendix operation at the Welland County General hospital.

Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Wednesday canvassing for membership for the Red Cross Society.

Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs Wm J, Anderson.

Mrs Oren Tice has returned to her home at Bismark after visiting her mother, Mrs Tillie Robbins.

Mr and Mrs Oliver Winger of Ridgeway were Sunday guests of the former’s parents Mr and Mrs Marshall Winger.

Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mr and Mrs Robert Schwoob.

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