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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph November 6, 1941]

Boyle, Nov 6-Mrs Sidney Heaslip returned home on Wednesday from a trip up north. She visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs S. Taylor and family at Bar River, also relatives and friends at Echo Bay, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Oliver McWatters and family at Sault Ste Marie, also Rev and Mrs C. Dyer and family at New Toronto.

Mrs Ethel Howell has returned to the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Edward Barry at Hamilton after visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Mr and Mrs William Graham of Highway 20 were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Chester Lambert and family.

Mr and Mrs Bill Sunday of Dunnville spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Isaac Graham and son Alex.

Mrs Roy Overholt and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Wednesday with Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray. The afternoon was spent sewing for the Red Cross.

Mrs Oren Tice of Bismark is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs Tillie Robbins.

Mr and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Leonard Cocks at Smithville.

William Schwoob R.C.A.F. and Mrs Schwoob and son Gordon and daughter Joyce of Hagersville were recents guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto are visiting the former’s mother Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport were recent guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

The pupils and their teacher Miss Helen Swick of S.S. No. 8 held a delightful Hallowe’en party on Friday afternoon.

Saturday guests of Mr and Mrs L.E. Cocks included the former’s parents, Philip Cocks of the R.C.A.F. and Mrs Cocks of Dartsmouth. Miss Grace Cocks of Dunnville, Mr and Mrs Thomas Holt of St Anns, Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian of New Toronto and Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mrs Wm J. Anderson called on her cousin, Mrs Charles Gee at Wellandport on Friday.

Mr and Mrs Erford Robinson and son Edwin and daughter Elizabeth and Mrs Alvin Rogemoser, all of Tonawanda, N.Y, spent Sunday with their sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and family.

Mrs Henry Schwoob and three children of St Anns spent Wednesday with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Wray Beamer has returned to school after spending last week at his home convalescing from a tonsil operation.

A number of local residents attended the special anniversary services at Wellandport Presbyterian church on Sunday when Arthur Hannahson and a choir from St Catharines  furnished special music. Rev J. Ferguson, the pastor delivered the message.

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