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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph December 3, 1941]

Red Cross Work

Boyle Dec 3-The ladies of the Red Cross Society of Bethel United church met at the home of Mrs Amos Beamer on Thursday for an all-day quilting. One top was made by Mrs Roy Overholt, another was donated by Mrs Wm Graham. Both quilts were completed.

Nine members were present, Mrs Gordon Robbins, Mrs John Tait, Mrs L.E. Cocks, Mrs William Graham, Mrs Roy Overholt, Mrs Dillie Beamer, Mrs A. Beamer, Mrs Chester Lambert and Mrs Wm J. Anderson.

A pot luck dinner was enjoyed at noon to which each lady contributed. The collection was received by the treasurer, Mrs Wm Graham.


Mr and Mrs Clarence Gracey of Grimsby spent Tuesday with the former’s parents. Mr and Mrs Thomas Gracey. They also attended the funeral of the late Nelles Heaslip.

Mrs Leonard E, Cocks of Smithville spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs Wm J. Anderson. She also attended the Red Cross quilting at Mrs Amos Beamer.

Mrs Chester Lambert spent Wednesday with her aunt Mrs Mary Metler at Salem.

Selkirk Robbins and daughter, Mrs Alvin Rogemoser and son Raymond, and Mrs Clifford Robins of Tonawanda, N.Y. spent Tuesday with the former’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Wm Heaslip. They also attended the funeral of the late Nelles Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Howard McEwen and daughter Jean of Buffalo spent the weekend with their cousins, Mr and Mrs William Cutler.

Miss Lelia Hill of Welland was recently with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs John Gracey Jr., and daughters Joyce and Judy of Lockport, N.Y. and Mr and Mrs Joseph Gurbacke and daughter Martha and son Norbert of Buffalo visited the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs John Gracey and Mr and Mrs Cecil Gracey and son Blake on Sunday.

Mrs Parker of Smithville spent Thursday with Mrs Payne at St Catharines.

Rev. G.J. Comfort and Mrs Comfort of Dunnville spent Thursday with their son Paul Comfort and Mrs Comfort and daughter Elizabeth.

Rev G. Ivany of Silverdale gave an interesting missionary address in Bethel United church on Sunday.He spoke of his own experiences as a missionary in Labrador a few years ago.

Mrs Haist and Miss Ella Glintz of Welland were Sunday guests of the former’s daughter and son-in-law. Mr and Mrs Gordon Robbins and family.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip were recent guests of their grand-daughter Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville.

Mes Cecil Cocks and her mother Mrs Parker of Smithville spent Saturday in Hamilton.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Conn of Welland were recent guests of the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs William Graham.

Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs W.J. Anderson called on the latter’s sister Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville on Saturday.

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