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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph October 24, 1941]

Boyle Oct 24-Mr and Mrs Harry Gracey of Stamford were recent guests of the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas Freure and Miss Hazel Beamer.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip called on the former’s nephew and niece, Mr and Mrs Ben Heaslip at St Anns on Friday.

Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt.

Mr and Mrs Jake Traver and infant daughter Irene of Perry Station spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Wm J, Anderson.

Fred Holden who is employed at Niagara Peninsula Sanitarium called on Mr and Mrs Wm Cutler recently.

Mr and Mrs William Graham and Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt attended the minstrel show at Silverdale on Friday evening. Proceeds of the evening were donated to Smithville Red Cross Society.

Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth spent Tuesday at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt attended the miscellaneous shower for the former’s nephew, his bride Mr and Mrs Arthur Garner of the R.C.A.F.(nee Marian Emslie of Silverdale) at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr and Mrs Clarence Garner at Silverdale on Wednesday evening.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Sunday at Toronto with the former’s daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs W.W. Scott and daughter Myrna. They also called on Rev and Mrs Dyer and son Clark ad daughter Marian, also Mr ad Mrs Clarence Burmaster and sons Wayne and Brian at New Toronto.

Mr and Mrs Norman Williams of Fonthill and Mr and Mrs Jack Pearl of Highway 20 spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Emery Gee. Mrs Gee is  convalescing at her home following an attack of tonsilitis

Mr and Mrs William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. stationed at Hagersville and son Gordon and daughter Joyce spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip. They also visited the former’s. parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt, Mrs Amos Beamer, Mrs Wm J Anderson and the latter’s sister, Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville spent Friday in Welland.

Mrs Sidney Heaslip left on Sunday by train for Sault Ste Marie where she will visit her son, Oliver McWatters at Echo Bay and bar River.

Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth spent Saturday at Wainfleet

Sidney Heaslip and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Sunday with the former’s grand-daughter Mrs Leonard E Cocks and Mr Cocks at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs William Graham, Mrs Amos Beamer and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Roy Overholt. The ladies packed the boxes for the boys overseas.

Reeve William Heaslip attended the ploughing march at Peterborough last week.

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