Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph October 2, 1941]

Want to see your home town grow?
Then your interest in it show.
Praise its parks, its swimming pools,
Factory sites and finest schools.
Talk with genuine elation
All about your transportation.
Honest boosting always pays.
Don’t be stingy with your praise
Publicize in many ways
Your home town.

Greet each stranger with a smile.
Boost your town in super-style.
Don’t be one who sings the blues.
You can spread the cheerful news.
Tell about your nifty cops,
Pretty girls that are “the tops,”
Healthy children, free from care,
Flowery gardens everywhere
And abundance of fresh air,
Be a booster.

Say your merchants are alert,
Streets well paved and free from dirt,
Firemen finest in the land.
Don’t forget your city band.
Culture, justice, moral worth-
Here they are-the best on earth.
Points like these let strangers know.
Blow your trumpet loud-not low.
Then just watch your home town grow.
Be a booster
-Joseph A. McGuire.

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