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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph October 4, 1941]


Boyle Oct 4-Miss Marie Ulman of Hamilton spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Ulman and family.

Mr and Mrs William Boyes of Fenwick called on Mrs William Schwoob and infant daughter Joyce Anna and son Gordon at the home of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip recently.

Mrs Leonard E, Cocks of Smithville spent a few days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs William J. Anderson.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Conn of Welland called on the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs William Graham. Recently.

Mr and Mrs Schnick of Buffalo were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs William Cutler.

Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth spent Tuesday at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick called on their nephew John Hill and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson on Thursday.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and the former’s mother, Mrs Nelles Heaslip spent Friday in welland.

Mr and Mrs J.W. Burke and the former’s niece and nephew Mathew and Mary June Burke of Lockport, N.Y. spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray.

Alonzo Comfort and daughter Miss Fae Comfort of Elcho attended the anniversary services at Bethel United Church on Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and family.

Mrs Clarence Beamer and son Larrie spent several days last week visiting the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Theron Beamer of St Catharines.

Mr and Mrs Neff of Humberstone were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Miss Edith Williams is visiting Mr and Mrs Edward Barry and family and Mr and Mrs George Barry and daughter Geneva at Hamilton.

William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. at Hagersville spent Thursday with his wife and children at the home of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip. He also called on his parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Wm. J. Anderson included Mr and Mrs Merritt Vaughan and son Stanley and daughter Beverley of Highway 20, and Mr and Mrs Frank H. Anderson and son Merritt of Grimsby.

Mrs Dillie Beamer has returned to her home here after visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Burton Stirtzinger and son Gordon at St Catharines.

Mrs Ethel Howell of Hamilton is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee.

Mr and Mrs Cecil Beamer and sons Lloyd and Ralph of Fonthill attended the anniversary service at Bethel and were dinner guests of the former’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray and also their mother, Mrs Dillie Beamer.

Miss Alice Neff, teacher at S.S. No.5 spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Neff at Humberstone.

Mrs William Schwoob and son Gordon and daughter Joyce Anna accompanied William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. to Hagersville on Saturday where they are making their home while Mr Schwoob is stationed there.

The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Clarence Beamer. Her grandmother, Mrs Henry Cox, passed away on Saturday at the home of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Theron Beamer at St Catharines. The funeral was held on Monday.

Mr and Mrs Chester Lambert and family and Mr and Mrs William Graham attended the anniversary supper and program at Grace United church. Mrs Lambert assisted with the program with humorous readings.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Fred Schwoob and son Jimmy of Niagara Falls, N.Y. were recent guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob.

Cecil Cocks of the R.C.A.F. stationed at Hagersville spent Thursday with his wife and infant son Philip at their home at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Stanley Targonsky and son Victor spent Thursday at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Judson Jamieson and daughter Helen and Mr and Mrs Clarence Gracey of Grimsby attended the chicken supper at Bethel United church on Monday evening.

Sidney Heaslip and his granddaughter Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Thursday in Welland.

Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bossert and daughter Patricia Anne of Buffalo were Sunday guests of the former’s aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Paul Comfort and daughter Elizabeth.

The farmers in this district are busy cutting their corn and filling their silos.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip were Thursday guests of the former’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Erford Robinson at Dunnville.

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