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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph October 10, 1941]

Boyle Oct 10-Mr and Mrs Roy Misener of Port Robinson were Sunday guests of their cousins, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Sunday with the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks at Smithville.

Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mrs Robert Schwoob and daughter June attended the monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of the Wellandport United church at the home of Mrs James Ross on Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick called on their nephew John Hill on Thursday.

Mr and Mrs William Graham, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip, Mr ad Mrs Wm Heaslip and family and Mr and Mrs Wm Cutler, Mr and Mrs Joseph Schwoob and Mr and Mrs Robert Schwoob and family attended the anniversary services at Wellandport United church on Sunday.

Miss Lelia Hill of Welland spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Wm J, Anderson spent Friday at Welland. They also called on their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Edgar Book at Fenwick.

Cameron and Murray Hill spent Sunday with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Gordon Robbins and family at Niagara Falls. They also visited their cousins, Mr and Mrs James Kramer and son Jimmy at Merritton

Cecil Cocks of the R.C.A.F., at Hagersville spent the weekend with his wife and infant son Philip at their home at Smithville.

Mrs Joseph Schwoob is entertaining the Women’s Association of Bethel United church on Wednesday afternoon Oct 15 at 2p.m.

Mr and Mrs Stuart Hill and son Charles of Ridgeville spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Clarence Beamer and son Larry and Mr and Mrs Wm Graham, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip, Mrs Henry Ulman and son John and Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson attended the 60th anniversary banquet of Wellandport United church on Monday evening. Rev M.J. Aikens of Thorold was the guest speaker. Several selections were also enjoyed by the Wellandport and Smithville octette and Eric Pogue favored with violin selections.

James Kramer (nephew of James and John Hill) of Merritton is very ill at St Catharins General hospital following an appendix operation.

Mr and Mrs Emery Gee received word from their grandson Alfred Williams that he had arrived safely in England. He is with  the R.C.A.F. there.

Mrs Clarence Beamer and son Larry have returned home after visiting the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs Theron Beamer at St Catharines.

Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville, accompanied her sister Mr Wm J. Anderson to Welland on Thursday. They also called on their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

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