Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph December 30, 1941]

Boyle, Dec 30-Rev G.J. Comfort and Mrs Comfort of Dunnville were recent guests of their son Paul A. Comfort and Mrs Comfort.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip accompanied by Mr and Mrs William Fralick of Welladport attended the Warden’s supper which was held at Laura Secord’s Halls at Queenston on Thursday evening.

Mrs Leonard  E. Cocks of Smithville spent Wednesday with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

Mr and Mrs Clifford Hill have taken up residence in their new home on Canboro Road.

Mr and Mrs Donald Hodgkins of Port Colborne spent Wednesday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Albert Olmstead at Bismark.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Conn of Welland spent Christmas Eve with the latter’s parents,  Mr and Mrs William Graham.

L.A.C. William Schwoob and Mrs Schwoob and son Gordon and daughter Joyce of Mountain  View arrived at the home of the latter’s mother Mrs Sidney Heaslip and Mr Heaslip on Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays.

Miss Lloyda Edwards and friend both nurses of the staff at the Hamilton General Hospital spent a few
days with the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs A. Edwards at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Friday at Welland. They also called on the latter’s grandparets, Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

William Graham called on his daughter and son-in-law Mrs and Mrs Gordon Rockley and sons Carson and Wayne at Lowbanks on Wednesday.

L.A.C. Cecil Cocks of Mountain View is spending Christmas with his wife and son Philip at Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville were overnight guests of the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs W. J. Anderson on Christmas Eve.

The pupils of S.S. No. 5 presented their Christmas concert on Friday evening. Miss Alice Neff of Humberstone is the teacher.

Mr ad Mrs Sidney Heaslip entertained at a family dinner on Christmas Day Included among the guests were L.A.C. William Schwoob and Mrs Schwoob and children Gordon and Joyce of Mountain View, John Hill and Mr and Mrs W.J. Anderson and Mr and  Mrs Leonard E. Cocks of Smithville.

Mr and Mrs Judson Jamieson and daughter Helen of Grimsby are spending a few days with the latter’s mother, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip.

Miss Alice Neff teacher at S.S. No 5 is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs Neff at Humberstone.

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