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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph October 22, 1941]

I wonder what those toiling masses think
Who now are scourged to make the tools of war
For monstrous fiends, brutes in human shape,
Who brand them with repression’s deadly scar?
Unlimited in arrogance and power
Are those who neither care for shame or right;
But rush along the paths of conquering fools
And see not self-destruction is in sight
The germination of their hidden seeds
Shall surely bring disaster in their train;
For mechanized and deadly are the wheels
On which they shall be caught and cry in vain.
Clear is the clarion call to decent men
No matter what their race or creed may be
To rid the world of monsters, vile and cruel
Who wallow in their bestiality
Predominant the god of right must be
Else chaos now engulf the world at last;
For Christianity must stand supreme
Or in the outer darkness now be cast
This is no struggle where spectators stand
Aloof, and watch the progress of a fight;
But all are called upon to do their part
To help preserve true justice, faith and right
The powers of evil challenge every man
Who would preserve the freedom of the mind;
For loathsome are the doctrines of the brutes
Who to all sense and reason now are blind
Let us our indignation never quench
Nor let complacence penetrate our soul
Till all the might of right repair the wrongs,
For victory must be our only goal.
-William McClure.

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