Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph November 4, 1941]

Once France was gay, her cities bright,
Her people brave and true;
No tragic hint of war or death-
Now she is torn in two.

Once Poland stood, in Freedom bathed,
Her soldiers strong and bold-
Now like the Finns, the Czechs, the French,
Her sufferings are untold.

Across the world, like fire unchecked,
Destruction flames anew,
But Britain stands on mighty guard-
The English are not through!

Each soldier knows within his heart
The battle that shall be-
But British hearts are strong and brave,
They will not turn and flee.

And when the fight shall come, at last,
And Victory is won,
We’ll lift our eyes in thankful prayer,
‘Twill be a task well done.

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