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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph December 6, 1941]

Boyle, Dec 6-The Women’s Association of Bethel United church met Tuesday afternoon at the church with a large attendance. The president, Mrs Wm J. Anderson, presided and Rev H.S. Fiddes led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs Levi Robbins, a letter of thanks was read from Pte. Walter Holden for the Christmas box which he received from the association. It was decided to send cards to those from this community who are serving in Canada. It was decided to donate $5 to the Missionary and Maintenance fund.

Rev H.S. Fiddes took the chair for the reorganization of the society for the coming year. The president, Mrs Anderson, gave her report thanking the ladies for their loyal support. The secretary, Mrs Wm Cutler stated in her report the society had 19 members and that a number of weekly sewing meetings in aid of the Red Cross and several crokinole parties were held during the winter months as well as the  monthly meetings. The treasurer Mrs Gordon Robbins reported funds totalled $256.83 for the year. The flower fund report was given by Mrs W,J, Anderson. The parsonage committee, Mrs Wm Cutler and Mrs Wm Heaslip reported that a number of improvements had been completed at the parsonage.

The officers elected for the coming year were: Mrs Wm J. Anderson, president; Mrs William Heaslip, vice-president; Mrs Amos Beamer, secretary; Mrs Chester Lambert, assistant secretary; Mrs Gordon Robbins, treasurer; Mrs Merritt Vaughan, assistant treasurer; Mrs William Graham, pianist; Mrs Wm Cutler and Mrs William Heaslip, parsonage committee; Mrs Wm Anderson, representative to the official board; Mrs Wm Anderson, Mrs Amos Beamer, Mrs Wm Graham and Mrs Chester Lambert flower fund committee. The key ladies for the Red Cross are Mrs Wm Graham and Mrs Chester Lambert A new member, Mrs James Hill was added to the society.

A feature of the afternoon was an exchange of Christmas gifts, It was also decided to hold the Christmas supper for the Sunday school on Tuesday evening, December 9. The hostesses, Mrs William Cutler, Mrs John Gracey and Mrs Cecil Gracey served refreshments.

Mr and Mrs Edmund Beamer of Welland spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and also the former’s mother, Mrs Dillie Beamer

Mrs Sidney Heaslip is a patient at Hamilton General hospital following a goitre operation on Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs Robert Schwoob spent Sunday with the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Adam Moore at Elcho.

Mrs Sarah Lane has returned to her home at Winslow after visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs Phoebe Heaslip.

Mrs Wm J. Anderson called on her aunt, Mrs Nelson Chadwick at Wellandport on Saturday.

Mrs Carmen Dyer of Toronto spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs Sidney Heaslip at Hamilton General hospital.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and Mrs Phoebe Heaslip called on the latter’s daughter, Mrs Judson Jamieson and infant son at the Pettit Nursing Home at Grimsby on Sunday.

Mrs Dillie Beamer is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Edmund Beamer at Welland.
Mrs Robert Schwoob and Mrs  Joseph Schwoob visited Mrs Morgan Reece at Smithville on Wednesday.

Sidney Heaslip and grand-daughters, Mrs Leonard E, Coccks of Smithville and Mrs Wm J. Anderson spent Wednesday at Hamilton where they visited the former’s wife at the General Hospital.

Mrs William Butler is ill at her home. Her daughter, Mrs Charles Patterson of St Davids is spending a few days with her parents.

L.A.C. Cecil Cocks of Mountain View spent the weekend with his wife and infant son, Philip at Smithville.

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