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The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph November 22, 1941]

Boyle Nov 22- The Women’s Association of the Bethel United Church  was held at the home of …….
on Wednesday afternoon with a large attendance of members and visitors. The president, Mrs Wm J. Anderson presided. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs Jack Pearl. The secretary, Mrs William Cutler and the treasurer, Mrs Gordon Robbins gave their reports. Christmas boxes were sent to five soldier boys from this community who are serving overseas.

Cards of thanks were read by the president, Mrs Emery Gee and Mrs Clarence Beamer.

It was decided to wait until after Christmas to upholster the furniture for the church. A committee comprising Mrs Gordon Robbins, Mrs Chester Lambert and Mrs Amos Beamer was appointed to purchase material for it.

The members of the Association were asked by Mrs Cutler, superintendent of the Sunday school to help provide and serve the Christmas supper to the pupils of the Sunday school. A short program is  being arranged, and a collection is being arranged to help defray the expenses.

It was decided to have an exchange of Christmas gifts (not worth more than 25c) at the next meeting which will be held early in December. The reorganization of the society will also be held, withRev H.S. Fiddes, pastor in charge.

The ladies decided to continue the Red Cross Work in connection with the Association, It is working under the Smithville Branch of the Red Cross Society with Mrs William Graham and Mrs Chester Lambert as keyladies.

The afternoon was spent quilting for the Red Cross, another quilt being completed, Mrs Amos Beamer invited the ladies to meet at her home next Thursday for an all day quilting, with a pot luck dinner to be served at noon.

A luncheon cloth donated by a friend to the Red Cross Society was on display. Tickets were sold on it and $4.10 was added to the funds. The lucky ticket was drawn by little Stanley Vaughan and Mrs Murray B. Misener won the cloth.

An interesting paper was read by Miss Marian Hill on the history of Candesville 66 years ago. Miss Hill who is a student at Pelham Continuation School, was awarded first prize on her paper. Candesville, she stated is situated is on the north side of Chippawa Creek and is about one mile south of Boyle. Sixty-five years ago there were two stores, two blacksmith shops, and ash pit and a large plant where bricks were made from clay off the banks of the creek. Logs were  rafted down the creek and drawn by horses or oxen to the saw mill at this point. It was a very industrious spot but today it comprises of just a few farms and dwellings.

The  meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem and by prayer by Mrs H.S. Fiddes.

Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs Chester Lambert, Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs Wm J. Anderson.

Mr and Mrs Gordon Robbins of Niagara Falls were Sunday guests of the latter’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs James Hill and family.

Mr and Mrs Charles Patterson of St Davids spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs William Butler.

Roy Robbins and son Ralph of Elmira were recent guests of the former’s mother, Mrs Tillie Robbins.

Mr and Mrs Neil McMullan of St Catharines spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Isaac Graham.

Mr and Mrs Amos Beamer and son Wray spent Sunday with the latter’s cousins, Mr and Mrs Ben Baker and family at Welland.

Miss Nellie Gracey has accepted a position at Welland.

Mr and Mrs Edgar Book of Fenwick spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Sidney Heaslip.

L.A.C. William Schwoob of the R.C.A.F. has been transferred from Hagersville to Mountain View, He left on Saturday accompanied by Mrs Schwoob and children, Gordon and Joyce.

Mrs Tillie Robbins spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Nelles Heaslip. Mr Heaslip is convalescing at his home following a severe heart attack.

Mr and Mrs William Graham spent Tuesday in Welland.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and son Billy and daughter Jean attended the family dinner at Tonawanda, N.Y. in honor of the latter’s father Selkirk Robbins, who  celebrated his birthday. Twenty-six guests were present.

Mrs Amos Beamer spent Tuesday with Mrs Roy Oveholt, The afternoon was spent in serving for the Red Cross Society,

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Emery Gee included Mr and Mrs George Barry and daughter Geneva of Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Emery Gee Jr and daughter Pat of Toronto, Mr and Mrs Clifford Gee and daughters Julia and Dorothy of Highway 20 and Mr and Mrs Charles Gee of Wellandport.

Mr and Mrs Bill Sunday of Dunnville spent the weekend with the latte’;s parents, Mr and Mrs Isaac Graham and son Alec.

Mrs Amos Beamer and Mrs Wm J Anderson called on Mrs Leonard E, Cocks at Smithville on Monday.

Mr and Mrs William Heaslip and son Billy and daughter Jean and Bing Willson spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr and Mrs Nelles Heaslip

Miss Lelia Hill of Welland spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Hill

Mrs Stella Kramer and son Jimmy and Miss Ruby Robbins of Niagara Falls spent Wednesday with their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs James Hill.

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