Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph December 5 1941]

Salem, Dec 5-Salem United Church service was conducted on Sunday morning by pastor Rev James Hampson. Sunday school next Sunday will be at 10 a.m.and church at 7.30 p.m.

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Henderson included Dr Leslie Young of Pittsburgh, Mrs Anna Young of Buffalo, William Clair Young of Turner’s Corners and Mr and Mrs Peter Grant of Toronto.

Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers spent a couple of days at London with Mr and Mrs O. Chambers.

Mr and Mrs Jack Brock and daughter, Margaret spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs A, Brock at St Thomas.

Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Elmon Hodgkins at Campden.

Several people in the community attended the funeral recently of Nelles Heaslip

Mr and Mrs John Metler of Welland called on Mr and Mrs George Metler on Saturday.

Mr and Mrs Sidney Fishlark of Blenhelm and Mrs Florence Chambers and C, Chambers called on Mr and Mrs Roy Chambers on Sunday.

Mrs George Metler has been suffering from an attack of bronchial asthma.

Mrs Elmer Crow who has been a patient at the Welland County General hospital is now convalescing at home.

Salem United church W.A. and W.M.S. will hold their December meeting at the home of  Mrs Harold Gent on Tuesday, December 9th.

The annual election of officers will take place and also the Christmas exchange.

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