Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Telegraph December 26, 1941]

Salem, Dec 26-Salem United Church service was conducted on Sunday evening by pastor Rev James Hampson. Next Sunday Sunday school will be at 10 a.m. church at 11 a.m.

Jacques Collins R.C.A.M.C., who has been in Nova Scotia for some time and is now on leave, called on Mr and Mrs V. Cosby and family and Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn and family.

Mrs Mary Metler has been staying with Mr and Mrs John Metler at Welland.

Mrs Jenette Chambers is ill.

Miss Edna Strawn of Detroit is expected home for Christmas.

Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane visited Mrs Lane’s parents Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins and family on Sunday, and also called on the latter’s sister, Mrs George Metler, who has been ill for the past few days with pleurisy.

Mrs C.W. Bailey and Mr and Mrs Harold Bailey and son George were Sunday guests of the former’s aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Johnson McComb at Fonthill.

Miss Margaret Tuck has returned from a visit with relatives in Toronto.

Mr and Mrs Blake Ostrosser and daughter Vera of Fenwick spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn.

Sergeant Jack Tuck, R.C.A.F. is spending a few days leave with Mr and Mrs Robert Henderson.

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