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The TALES you probably never heard about

SALEM [Welland Tribune December 12, 1941]

[Welland Tribune December 12, 1941]

Salem, Dec 12-Church service was conducted by Rev. J. Hampson on Sunday evening. Next Sunday, Sunday school will meet at 10a.m. church at 11a.m.

W.A.-W.M.S. Meet
Salem Women’s Association met at the home of Mrs Harold Gent, The President, Mrs Harold Bailey presided. Rev James Hampson led in prayer. Mrs Elra Farr read the Scripture lesson. The secretary’s report was then read by Mrs Charles Bailey. Rev James Hampson took the chair for the reorganization and election of officers, which resulted as follows: President, Mrs Harold Bailey; first vice-president, Mrs Harold Gent; second vice-president, Mrs John Blanchard; secretary-treasurer, Mrs C. Bailey; assistant secretary, Mrs Jack Traver; pianist, Mrs E. Hayward; assistant, Miss Margaret Tuck; flowers, Mrs Robert Henderson; Red Cross, Mrs Harold Bailey; janitor, Harold Hodgkins; lunch committee, Mrs Gent and Mrs Metler; program committee, Mrs E. Brown, Mrs John Blanchard and Mrs Edward Hayward.

The secretary reported $142.86 for the year; missionary report $8.50.

There was a prayer by Rev  Hampson. There was an exchange of Christmas gifts. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs Harold Gent, assisted by Mrs Harry Farr Mrs P. Avelv, Mrs Elva Farr and Miss Margaret Tuck.

Mr and Mrs Oscar Robbins and daughter Shirley and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane of St Catharines visited Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins and family on Sunday.

Mr and Mrs Manley Ball, Charlie Moisley of Balls Falls, Mrs Frank Guinther of Port Colborne and Mr and Mrs Orval Sourwine were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs George Metler.

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Henderson were Mr and Mrs Clair Young and family of Turner’s Corners.

Mrs Austain and daughter June of Welland spent Wednesday with Mrs C.E Strawn.

Robert Elsie, who is in Welland County General hospital is expected to be home in a few days.

The many friends of Mrs Helen Cosby will be sorry to hear that she is not so well again.

Allen Farr and Mrs Harry Farr and son Lloyd were in Dunnville on Thursday.

Miss Ruth Neab of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with her parents.

Miss Margaret Strawn of Niagara Falls visited with Miss Maggie Garner on Friday and called on her parents, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn in the evening.

Salem Sunday school will hold their Christmas entertainment on Tuesday evening, December 23 at the church.

Miss Elsie Milligan has returned home after spending a week in Welland with Mr and Mrs Albert Warden.

Jack Tuck got his gunner’s badge and sergeant’s chevrons at the recent graduation exercises at No 6 Bombing and Gunnery school at Dafoe, Saskatchewan.

Birthday Party
About 24 neighbors and friends gathered at the home of David Hoover on Saturday evening and tendered him a surprise in honor of  his birthday. The evening was spent in playing crokinole. At the close of the evening refreshments including a lovely birthday cake were served by Mrs Hoover.

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