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The TALES you probably never heard about

SALEM [Welland Tribune December 19, 1941]

[Welland Tribune December 19, 1941]

Salem, Dec 19-Salem United church service was conducted on Sunday morning by pastor Rev J. Hampson. Next Sunday, Christmas Sunday school will be held at 10 o’clock and church at 7.30 p.m.

Robert Elsie came home from Welland County General hospital on Sunday, and is able to sit up a little each day.

Miss Norma Wise of Welland spent the weekend with her friend Miss Shirley Cosby.

Miss Margaret Strawn of Niagara Falls General hospital spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs C.E Strawn.

Mr and Mrs Victory Cosby and family and Miss Wise spent Saturday at Hamilton.

Mr and Mrs R.L. Vanmatter of Buffalo spent the weekend with the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs F. Vanmatter.
Mrs C.E. Strawn spent Saturday in Welland.

Mrs V.A. Carr spent Tuesday in Hamilton with her sister, Mrs Nora Gardinner.

Salem Sunday school will hold their Christmas entertainment on Tuesday evening, December 23rd at the church.

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