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The TALES you probably never heard about

SALEM [Welland Tribune November 4, 1941]

[Welland Tribune November 4, 1941]

Salem, Nov 4-Salem United church service was conducted on Sunday Nov 2 at 11 o’clock. The pastor, Rev James Hampson continued his series of sermons on the Lord’s Prayer, his address being entitled “Thy Kingdom Come.”

Sunday school next Sunday will be at 10 o’clock; church at 7.30

Mrs Amos Robbins and Mervin visited with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane at St Catharines on Thursday.

On Nov 16, Educational Sunday, Professor Kent of the University of Toronto will be the speaker at Fenwick Continuation school at 2.30 p.m.

The Salem association will hold their November meeting at Fenwick parsonage on Nov 12, This will be the annual W.M.S. thankoffering, Mrs Leo Michener will be guest speaker.

Miss Margaret Strawn of the Niagara Falls General hospital spent Wednesday with her parents.

Mr and Mrs C. Menel and Mr and Mrs R.L. Vannatter of Crystal Beach were supper guests of the latter’s parents Mr and Mrs L. Vannatter and family.

Mr and Mrs Wm Miller of Welland spent the weekend with Mrs V.A. Carr

Hallowe’en Social
Salem W.A. held their Hallowe’en social at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Traver and Mr and Mrs Jacob Traver on Thursday evening. The rooms were attractively decorated with orange and black streamers, cats, witches and pumpkins. Rev James Hampson, James Lowe and George Kelts acted as judges for the grand march, and awarded prizes for costumes as follows” Best dressed lady. June Strawn, as Japanese lady; best dressed man, E. Milligan; best comic, Gavin Henderson; best couple Mrs Basil Misener and Mrs Marshall Beamer, as bride and groom; best dressed children, Venita and Jacqueline Gent.

A short program was presented. Mrs Charles Bailey and daughter, Mrs Basil Misener sang,”In an old Dutch garden.” Mrs Marshall Beamer gave a reading and Miss Margaret Tuck offered a piano solo.
Mrs Basil Misener also sang, “Thank You America.” Rev James Hampson led the community singing. Refreshments were served by the ladies.

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