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The TALES you probably never heard about

SALEM [Welland Tribune October 16, 1941]

[Welland Tribune October 16, 1941]

Salem, Oct 16-Church service was conducted by Rev James Hampson on Sunday evening. Next Sunday, Oct 19 Sunday school will be at 10 o’clock church at 11 a.m.

Mr and Mrs Oscar Robbins and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lane all of St Catharines and Mr and Mrs George Metler and family were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Amos Robbins.

Miss Irene Strawn of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs C.E Strawn.

Mr and Mrs John Logan and family of Dunnville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs T.F. Neal and family.

Miss Audrey Neale and June Strawn have returned home from Dunnville where they spent six weeks.

Mr and Mrs Cecil Hansler and son Daniel of Youngstown, N.Y. spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn.

Salem W.A. will hold their Hallowe’en social at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Traver and Mr and Mrs Jack Traver on Oct 30.

Mrs Amos Robbins, Mrs George Metler and Mrs Orval Sourwine were in St Catharines on Tuesday.

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