SALEM [Welland Tribune February 28, 1945]
[Welland Tribune February 28, 1945]
Open Night Held by W.A.
Salem Feb 28-An open meeting of the W.A. and missionary Society was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers with an attendance of around 40. The young people played crokinole and the ladies designed hats from kitchen utensils, vegetables, boxes, etc.
Prizes went to Mrs Walter Misener and Mrs George Metler. It was decided to appoint Rob Henderson, Frank Blanchard and Asa Chambers as a committee to fix the church doors before the next meeting. Mrs Hodgkins was instructed to purchase materials to finish the Red Cross quilts.
Mrs Elva Farr took charge of the missionary society meeting in the absence of Mrs Charles Bailey. It was decided to proceed with work on 10 pairs of mitts, which is the allocation for the society.
Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs Hodgkins, Mrs Elva Farr, Mrs Harry Farr, Mrs Cook and Mrs Hayward. Ice cream and birthday cake formed features of the lunch, it being Asa Chamber’s birthday.
Miss Marie Farr was taken to Welland County General hospital on Wednesday last where she underwent an appendectomy.
Mr and Mrs C.E Strawn and daughter Shirley and son Kenneth attended the I.O.O.F.. “At Home” at Fenwick on Tuesday.
Clarence Willford, Earl Misener and Bob Strawn were in toronto on Saturday and attended the hockey game in the evening.
C.E. Strawn attended the dinner meeting for supervisors and foreman and safety committee members in Welland on Thursday evening.
L/Stk Ellsworth McPherson has returned to his base on the east coast.
Mr and Mrs Asa Chambers spent the weekend with Mrs Chambers parents. Mr and Mrs E, Crow and Mr and Mrs Bill Hippwell and daughter Carol.
Clarence Willford attended the father and son banquet in Welland on Wednesday evening and had Kenneth Strawn as his guest.
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