Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


While working most of his years on a farm, then in the diary business and stock-raising, he chanced to do a lot of work in another line, which finally showed so much promise and proved to be so profitable that he finally adopted it as his regular vocation, and therein has made a striking success.

Mr. Storm was born on September 18th, 1887, at Sherkston, Ont., and is the son of Peter Storm, (mother Marion Beam) who was a farmer at that place and who was County Councillor for a number of years. Orrie Storm, acquired his early education at the public school on Humberstone Road, and after leaving school went to work helping his father on the farm. Being ambitious to do something for himself, he went to Welland where he secured employment with the Plymouth Cordage Works, but, tiring of this he returned to farm work with his father, working on shares. He next embarked on the business of raising bees and for ten years was very successful in that line, until he succeeded in buying a one-hundred acre farm of his own and began the dairy business. He began raising fine stock and his Holstein cattle won a number of prizes at the Bertie County Fair. At that time he did a lot of excavating with his team, and it proved so profitable that he sold his farm and went into the excavating business on a large scale, with modern equipment, and to-day is dong a large business In that line. Among his first large contracts, was the Dufferin Street Garage, the Stratton Building, and the Government Liquor Store. He is much interested in horses, dogs, cattle and bees. He is not partial to any particular religion, but believes them all to be good. He was married in Bridgeburg on May 4th, 1912, to Miss Clara Elizabeth Yockim, daughter of David Yockim, a farmer, who was born in Brookfield; they have two children, Emma Elizabeth, and Menno Joseph, the latter being named after his great grandfather who is still living at the age of ninety-two in Black Creek, Welland County.

A.E. Coombs
History of The Niagara Peninsula and the New Welland Canal

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