Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


(Welland, Ont.)

Gordon Somerville came from a family of builders in Welland, who have left substantial proof of their work in road building in and around Niagara Falls, where the subject of this review is now established, in handling building supplies, and has been conducting a thriving and prosperous building for the last two decades.

Mr. Somerville was born on March 30th, 1889, at Welland, Ont., and is the son of William George and Elizabeth Somerville, his father a well-known implement selling agent of farm machinery and prominent builder of that place.

W.G. Somerville, father of Gordon P., built the town hall as well as the school house at Bridgeburg, and the school house at Dunnville. Built the concrete road from Niagara Falls to Queenston, and the road from Niagara Falls to Stamford and St. David, in 1924.

Gordon P. Somerville comes from a very prominent family, and is one of six children, and acquired his early education at the public school at Welland and went into business with his father, and later for himself, at the age of twenty, by buying his present business in 1909, from his brother Harvey, who had started the same two years before, and he now handles everything in the line of building supplies, except lumber, and is rated as the oldest and most reliable supply house in the town. He was married in 1915, to Miss Ethel Chambers, daughter of John H. Chambers; no children. His fraternal affiliations are with the Masons and the Eastern Star. He is a great lover of outdoor sports, especially baseball and hockey.

A.E. Coombs
History of The Niagara Peninsula and the New Welland Canal

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