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The TALES you probably never heard about

SALEM [Welland Telegraph November 27, 1941]

Salem, Nov. 27-Salem United church service was conducted on Sunday, November 23rd by Pastor Rev. James Hampson. Church next Sunday at 11a.m.

Guests of Mr and Mrs C.W. Bailey and Mr and Mrs Harold Bailey and son George on Sunday were Mr and Mrs George Bailey of Thorold and Mr and Mrs Charles Bailey and daughter Clare of St Catharines, also Mr and Mrs Basil Misener and daughter Arlette and Mr and Mrs Carmen Bailey and children Lorna and Earl of Welland.

Mr and Mrs R.L. Vanmattie of Buffalo spent Monday with Mr Vanmattie’s parents, and called on Mr and Mrs C. E. Strawn and family on Monday.

Miss Audrey Neale and Misses June and Shirley Strawn spent Saturday in Welland.

Miss Anna Black of Welland spent the week-end with her cousins Shirley and Suzanne Cosby.

Harold Hodgkins received his graduation diploma on Friday at the annual commencement exercises held at Pelham Continuation school.

Miss Irene Strawn and Bill Grimwood spent Saturday with Miss Strawn’s parents, Mr and Mrs C.E. Strawn.

Miss Ruth Neale, of Niagara Falls spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs T.F. Neale.
Mrs C.E. Strawn called on Mr and Mrs Cecil Chambers and Mrs Florence Chambers at Fenwick on Tuesday.

Harold Hodgkins of Hamilton Normal school spent the week-end with his parents.

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