Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about

May the best month

Our snow is gone as its now the month of May
Yes better weather we’ll get that I can say
Its time to garden and till up the soil
Then at harvest time we’re thankful for our toil
I’m looking for vegetables as prices are high
So in the store their produce I can go on by
Grass is greening up so lets get the mower out
No need to leave it until someone does shout
Another holiday thats coming on the 23rd of May
Is one that may be dropped yes Victoria Day
The cottages then will be opened for the season
So folks can relax and unwind the main reason
Bears are out of their dens after a long hibernation
Looking for food so lets give them no aggravation
Farmers are happy to till their land once again
Yes I pray they’ll have sunshine and lots of rain
Temperatures are warmer so outside chores are done
Like wood cutting and others under the warm sun
Some may take a trip to museums or other place
And seeing things from yester year puts a smile on our face
Apple cherry peach trees are in blossom again this year
So in the fall a good crop we should have here
The tulip pansies etc are once again in full bloom
The trilliums are out also but for others it maybe in June
Lilacs are blooming now but only for a little while
And the lilies and daffodils to our face brings a smile
The lakes are warming up so have a swim right away
As it won’t be long until they’re cooling every day
After all the cold weather I look forward to heat
Yes for a few months the cold weather we have it beat.

Winston E. Ralph
Bancroft, ON

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