Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


July folks is now the seventh month of the year
And before we know it the cold weather will be here
Vacations will be planned but folks won’t go too far
Because now it’s too expensive to drive a car
Yes road trips will be shorter that I can see
Some will do shorter ones and less including me
Others may take a tent or trailer out and camp
While others in Algonquin Park take a long tramp
It’s now time to lay on the beach there in the sun
But be careful of sunburn as they aren’t any fun
Golfing fishing and swimming are things some may do
So will they be enjoyed by all including me and you
Some may enjoy paddling a kayak down a river
And there’ll be campfires to make heat that’s a given
Marshmallows will be roasted there on a fire
Let no one get upset and raising his ire
Farmers harvest the wheat as the daylight gets less
May the crop be the best one to that I’ll say yes
Fireworks will happen on July 1st Canada’s birthday
But we’re not the Canada of 67 that I can say
July 12th is a day that was celebrated everywhere
Like everything else it’s gone or people don’t care
On July 28-31 it’s the Gem and Mineral show the gemboree
It’s too congested with people so it’s not for me
People are out looking for rocks yes all around
Yes we all know for sure they’ll be found
The U.S. celebrate Independence Day on the fourth of July
They don’t say U.S. Day but here it’s Canada not Dominion why
Some flowers of July are waterlily and larkspur
And delphiniums bloom also but winter is coming for sure
Wood needs cutting and piling in May so it will be dry
You’ll burn wet wood if you wait until the snow flies

Winston E. Ralph, 2022

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