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The TALES you probably never heard about

ITEMS OF NEWS FROM SALEM [Welland Tribune December 18, 1931]

Salem, Dec. 18- Mr and Mrs. Walter Brown have returned home after spending a few weeks with Mr and Mrs. Harry Robins of Tilsonburg.

Mervyn Wilson spent Monday and Tuesday in Toronto.
Mr. Metler has returned home from St, Catharines hospital.

Mrs. Cecil Chambers called on Mrs. C.E. Strawn on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Coulter of Port Robinson called on several friends in this vicinity on Thursday.

Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wilson on Thursday were Miss Inez Wilson of Welland, Mrs. Ernest Farr and the Misses Ethel, Reta Armbrust, also George Edgar and Ernest Armbrust of Bridgeburg.

Norman Cout  and Miss B. Boilman of Welland visited Mr. and Mrs. Court last Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Strawn and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chambers on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Strawn visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Court last Sunday.

Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Edward Hayward, Mr. And Mrs. A. Caughell of Welland were Miss Winnie Nelson of St Catharines, Miss Marion Chambers and Jack Hayward of Fenwick.

Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Misener of Perry Station, Miss Marion Chambers, Jack Hayward of Fenwick called on Mr. And Mrs Cecil Chambers Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Chambers spent Tuesday in St. Catharines.

Mrs. R. Murray and son Reggie of Prairie Siding, are spending a few days with Mr. Murray.

Hewlitt Brown and family of Welland, Ambrose Misener and family of Perry Station, Mr. and Mrs Walter Brown of Welland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Hampton Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Strawn and June, Shirley and Kenneth Strawn spent Wednesday with Mrs. Hockey in St Catharines.

Mr. and Mrs. Willson spent Tuesday in St. Catharines.

Mrs. Perly H. Robins of Wellandport visited Mrs. Asa Chambers on Sunday.

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