Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


In this autumn month of October we know this fall
And it won’t be long until the snow does call
The mornings are cool and some days are nice
Yes soon the lakes will be covered with ice
The leaves are colored there is very little green
So it will be a while before that color is seen
I’ve seen colored leaves away back in July
Winter is coming there is no reason to say why
Thanksgiving dinner will be held in most every home
So may not one have to spend the time alone
Tables are full of food now including pumpkin pies
But by spring will we have lots or get a surprise
Halloween falls at the months end each year
And may you not be frightful or filled with fear
The October birthstone colors are white or pink
All the zodiac signs are Libra and Scorpio if we think
We celebrate the blessings and harvest of the year
Hopefully we’ll all have food to keep us healthy here
The birthstone is opal and flowers are cosmos and marigold
But before we see flowers a shovel we’ll hold
Colored leaves are falling of gold orange and red
And with colder weather will we wish to stay in bed
A fire is welcomed on these crisp days and cool nights
So curl up with a book and learn what is right
October is the tenth month harvest time once again
Get your larder full now so you’ll feel no pain
Folks will be out raking leaves into a pile
Then the children will play in them with a big smile

Winston E Ralph
Bancroft, ON

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