Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Tribune, 29 January 1909]

It was just 50 years ago on January 16th inst., that they leaned over a little crying tot and the neighbors declared it a fine looking child.

Like Moses of old, the infant grew strong, and today he is James McKeown, warden elect of Welland county.

Warden McKeown has just passed the half century mark, as indicated. He was born in Willoughby on the shores of the Welland river, and afterwards attended school at section number 7, among his teachers being Mr. Reavely, now one of the county auditors.

Leaving school in this district the subject of this little sketch went to Bellville Business College, where he received a useful business training. This trip to the Eastern city was made in 1883.

He then returned to the county of his first love, and followed farming, living on the Sodom road, where he works a farm of 100 acres.

He was elected reeve by constituents of Willoughby in 1907, and has been returned by acclamation yearly ever since.

His ability has been shown by his excellent work on the Industrial Home committee, and last year he was appointed chairman of that body.

The warden may be classed among the bald heads, and always says that “you cannot have both brains and hair.” Blue of eye, sharp and alert of manner and with a pleasing personality. The council of the County of Welland for 1909 have indeed made a good choice.

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