Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Tribune, 18 June 1897]

One of the loveliest weddings of the season was that in which Miss Cora Armbrust of North Pelham became Mrs. Robert Campbell. The interesting event took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Armbrust, at eleven o’clock of the 9th day of June. At the hour appointed the bridal party entered the drawing room, where the Rev. W.M. Cruickshank of St. Anns performed the beautiful and impressive marriage service of the Presbyterian church. Friend and relatives to the number of about fifty assembled to witness the marriage. The bride was attired in a dress of light cream, trimmed with chiffon and cream lace, and looked charming, and was assisted by her intimate friend, Miss Bertha Berry, who also looked handsome in a dress of steel grey henrietta, trimmed with chiffon and white lace. The groom was ably supported by his cousin, A.D. Norris. After the ceremony had been duly performed and all had joined in wishing them happiness, success and a lengthy, wedded life, all repaired to the dining-room where a sumptuous repast, consisting of all the delicacies that one could possible desire, awaited their attention. The presents to the bride were numerous, handsome and useful. At 2.30 o’clock Mr. and Mrs. Campbell left for Welland, accompanied by the usual donations of rice and antiquated shoes, where they took the train via Michigan Central for near St. Thomas, where they will reside.

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