Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Tribune October 22, 1897]

A company of unusual proportions assembled at the home of William Crow, one mile east of Fenwick, on Tuesday last, to celebrate that gentleman’s sixieth birthday. It was a complete surprise, gotton up by the family, in which invited friends joined forming a company of nearly one hundred persons- from Pelham, Gainsboro, and Clinton. The guests came heavily laden with good things, and the tables, when laid, were a pretty and appetizing sight. When the first table was being seated, Reeve Hyatt arose to his feet and presented to Mr. Crow, on behalf of the family, a comfortable arm chair in oak, accompanying the gift with a brief, neat speech, in which the hope was  expressed on behalf of the whole company that the recipient would long be spared to enjoy the  beautiful present. Mrs Crow was Sarah Jane Huntsman of Clinton township. The happy marriagr took place in 1863, and in 1864 Mr. and Mrs. Crow moved to Pelham, where they have since resided, commanding always the respect not only of their neighbors and friends, but the community at large. Two of their children have passed away, those surviving being Mrs. H.G. Diffin of Pelham Centre, and Alandes Crow, who lives at the old home. Tuesday was an ideal October day, warm and pleasant and the large company walked about the beautiful lawn or sat beneath the  shading trees and indulged in games and social chat. It was a genuine old-fashioned happy visit, enjoyed by a host of old friends, who will long remember the gathering with sincere pleasure.

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