Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


Small villages are disappearing there’s nothing much anymore
Not like back in the olden days of yore
The schools went from early Sept until late June
But must have closed now yes much too soon
The children are bused to a bigger school farther away
Even though a higher price for fuel we all pay
Fuel is high priced but at the school there’s many cars
Youngsters drive now even though they don’t come far
The stores are closed also as folks shop elsewhere
Instead of keeping the local going as its right there
The church is closed too and left there alone
Where there’s a yearly service when folks come home
Years ago men met at night there in the store
Where they talked and complained like never before
When someone wished to talk they got on the phone
Which they could do in the privacy of their home
The general store ordered things which usually took awhile
But when it came in on your face was a smile
If the men weren’t in the village on the farm they were found
Unlike today they weren’t travelling the world around
The school buses went each day regardless of the weather
As they had a full load and no one was tethered
Work wasn’t somewhere else it was there on the farm
Like planting crops fixing fences or building a barn
You may not agree but they were the good old days
Since we always done things only the right way
Unlike today you went to bed with an unlocked door
Today if you do it you invite trouble for sure
Yes today crime is encouraged unlike yesteryear
And as long as we do as we do it will continue I fear

Winston E. Ralph

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