Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[Welland Tribune, 21 April 1905]

A very pretty home wedding took place last Wednesday afternoon, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Barnhart, when their third daughter, Jennie M. was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Ezra E. Steele, son of Rev. W. Steele, all of Humberstone. At about 2.30 o’clock the strains of the wedding march pealed forth, played by Miss Mina Shisler, and the groom, assisted by his brother, Mr. Roland Steele, entered the parlor and took his position. Under an evergreen arch; the bride, assisted by her sister, Miss Susie, following. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Sanderson of the U.B. church. After the usual congratulations the party repaired to the dining room, whereas us customary on such occasions, the table was filled will all manner of good things, and the wedding dinner was partaken of covers being laid for 55.

The bride looked very pretty in a gown of white landsdowne with a veil and wearing a white carnations; while the bridesmaid looked pleasing in white organdie and pink carnations. The bride’s going-away suit was blue broadcloth and white chiffon hat.

The gifts were numerous, pretty and useful, and included some handsome pieces of silverware.

Among those attending were: Mrs. Starks, Buffalo; Mr. W. Troupe, wife and daughter, Miss Maud Troupe, Drummondville; Mr. H. Babion and wife, Stonebridge; Mr. J. Barnhart and wife, Port Colborne; Mr. F. Barnhart, Crowland; Mrs. C. Steele, Mr. E. Steele, Mr. N. Steele, Master Allen Steele, bethel; and Mrs. Andrew Sherk, sr., Ridgeway.

The bride and groom left on the evening train for Toronto, amid showers of rice and good wishes, and will, in their return, take up their residence in their new home at Sherkston, much to the pleasure of their many friends.

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