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The TALES you probably never heard about


Thrown to Her Death From a Buffalo Street Car

[Welland Tribune, 28 July 1905]

Mrs. James A. Buchner, aged 32 years, Jarvis street, Bridgeburg, a most highly respected citizen, was thrown from a Niagara street car, Buffalo, between Ferry and Breckenridge streets on Saturday night, July 15th, about 10.45 and almost instantly killed. We are requested to publish the following as the correct account: Mrs. Buchner, the unfortunate lady, and her sister, Mrs. J. W. Buchner of Niagara Falls, N.Y. with one child of the former and two of the latter, went to Buffalo on the fatal evening to see the illuminations, and when returning at the time specified Mrs. Jas. Buchner signalled the conductor of the car to stop at Ferry street. The conductor pulled the bell rope, Mrs. Jas. Buchner then stood up to prepare for getting off the car, lost her balance and fell to her death.

The Buffalo Sunday papers all had different accounts of the awful accident none of them being alike excepting in one particular, that of the unfortunate lady’s death.

Mrs. J.W. Buchner, the sister who was with the deceased lady, gives this paper the following account of the accident. Mrs. J.W. was sitting on the outside seat of an open car with her two children, a little son and daughter sitting next to her. Mrs. James A. was sitting on the outside seat next behind with her little daughter next to her. Mrs. J.W. looked around and saw her sister stand up, after the car had passed Ferry street, to again signal the conductor to stop the car, when she lost her balance and fell backward onto the pavement. Mrs. J.W. then jumped to her sister’s assistance; also did her little daughter jump, both falling heavily. The former was dazed from her fall, and the little girl slightly bruised and shaken up. Both, however, soon recovered and did not sustain any broken ribs, s reported in the Buffalo Express, nor did they become excited and disappear as stated by the same paper, instead they followed the body of Mrs. James A. into Drake & Noble’s drug store, four doors north of Ferry St., east side of Niagara street, and remained there as long as the police would allow them. Mrs. J.W. says her sister was dead when she and the children left, and that they were escorted to the ferry by a policeman. The immediate relatives say it is nonsense to report that Mrs. Buchner jumped from the car, as she was most cautious and always warning those who would be with her on the street cars to be careful. Invariably would she hold her child or others accompanying her on the trolley until the car had stopped, and they are satisfied Mrs. Buchner did not attempt to jump from the car Saturday night. But when the car had passed Ferry street at so rapid a rate she stood up to again signal the conductor and lost her balance, in fact her sister who at that moment looked around, is sure that is how the accident occurred. The most unfortunate and dreadful accident has cast a sad gloom over the entire community of Bridgeburg. No citizen was more highly respected than Mrs. James A. Buchner. She was a kind, loving wife, mother, sister and daughter, beloved by her husband, child, relatives and citizens generally. The deceased lady was brought to her late home in Bridgeburg on Sunday, and a sad home it was indeed. All the immediate relatives were immediately summoned and were soon on hand to console with each other. They are as follows: her little daughter Dora, aged 12; her husband, two sisters-Mrs. J.W. Buchner, Niagara Falls, N.Y. and Mrs. E.B. House of Welland-one brother, Mr. G.W. Neiz of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and her father and mother of Brookfield,Ont. The funeral took place on July 19th to Doan’s Ridge cemetery, township of Crowland.

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