Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about

C.J. Metcalf

[Welland Tribune, 21 April 1905]

Chapin John Metcalf, of the Ontario police, died at his home near the old fort grounds, on April 12, aged 77 years and 4 months. Interment took place at St. Paul’s church yard on Friday, Rev. A.W. Woods officiating at the service which was held at the house. Deceased was born in the township of Bertie, and leaves to mourn his loss three sons: Harry of Fort Erie and Chas. and Walter of Cleveland, Ohio, and four daughters: Mrs. Wilson Rose, Mrs. Albert Church, Mrs. Geo. Carrick and Mrs. Chambers who has lived with her father since the death of her husband. Deceased was a conductor on the railway, but has been doing summer duty on the Ontario police force for many years, and was very much respected. He was a reformer in politics, and belonged to the Episcopal church. He loved to a fine old age, and was a useful citizen up to the last.

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