Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


[People’s Press, 26 September 1905]

Another of the pioneers of South Cayuga passed away on Thursday Sept. 7th, in the person of Mrs. G.F. Windecker, at the advanced age of 84 years. Death was due to old age. Mrs. Windecker was born in England in 1812, and came to Canada with her parents when she was six years old. She first settled in Brantford, but when about twenty years of age, she married Mr. George Windecker, and came to live with him in North Cayuga, in the present locality of the family. She and her husband lived there ever since, until Mr. Windecker died about seven years ago. A large family blessed the union-five boys and five girls: Mrs. Thos. Smedley of Fort Erie; Mrs. Geo. Gifford and Mrs. Jas. Topp of South Cayuga; George Windecker of Dunnville; Robert Windecker of Alberta; Mrs. D. Bradt; Reuben Windecker, Mrs. Benj. Topp, Peter Windecker and Herbert Windecker, all of North Cayuga. The funeral took place on Saturday to the Windecker church and cemetery.

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