Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about



[People’s Press, 4 July 1905]

A sad death occurred at Niagara Falls on Wednesday last when Hodge Graybiel, formerly of this township, died suddenly from the effect of injuries sustained while at his work in the power house. Deceased had about recovered from the injuries above referred to and resumed work when he was seized with hemorrhage of the spleen, causing death in a short time. He was the son of Elisha Graybiel of this township and had been working at Niagara Falls about six years. Five years ago he married Winnifred Sherk of Sherkston who survives. The body was brought to the home of his father here, from where the funeral took place to Morgan’s church on Sunday and interment was made in Morgan’s Point cemetery. Deceased was an Oddfellow and the members of Beacon lodge, Port Colborne, attended the funeral. The pall-bearers were his three brothers-Omer, Charles and Harry Graybiel and brother-in-law, Wilmer Sherk. Deceased was widely known and highly esteemed, and his untimely demise will be deeply regretted by many.

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