Welland History .ca

The TALES you probably never heard about


The old school house sat at the top of the hill
Where each day with knowledge our heads were filled
If you couldn’t learn the teacher wondered why
So you got the strap even if it made you cry
You had to do your homework not talk or shout
Then bravely you faced the world when you went out
Your schooling only went to grade seven or eight
So any job you were offered it you did take
Yes the teachers then didn’t fool around
And in the graduating class not a criminal was found
The old general store was over a little ways
Where the proprietor always spent many long days
He was open from early morning until late at night
When men sat and talked about things not right
There was candy for the children and a cooler with pop
And for things you needed it was there you did shop
He had brooms wash tubs and saws for sale
In the winter the stove was lit and never did fail
Ladies could buy cloth and there were dishes too
Also kerosene boots and clothing for me and you
The garage was close by where you bought your gas
And the owner always waved when you went past
He also changed the tires and greased your car
Since he knew it would be needed if you went very far
Tune ups were done also to keep the car running right
So you wouldn’t be stranded during the day or night
Back then the tires would often go flat
But without a tube now there is a lot less of that
The church was over further where on Sunday morn
You were told to be in Heaven you had to be reborn
He wasn’t shy about the word as he was commanded to do
And said turn to Him now or in Heaven there’ll be only a few
The cemetery was nearby where the older folks lay
Yes they all lived closer to Him back in their day
But most aren’t concerned as Sunday comes around
Doesn’t the Bible say in church we’re to be found

Winston E. Ralph
Bancroft, Ont.

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