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The TALES you probably never heard about


Richard Williams Lights a Coal Fire in an Iron Pot

[Welland Tribune, 14 April 1905]

Thorold-April 11-Richard Williams, an old resident of Thorold committed suicide last night by inhaling coal gas.

When parting with William McDonald on the previous day, deceased asked him to call at his house the following afternoon. Mr. McDonald accordingly stopped at Mr. Williams’ and on entering noticed a very strong odor of gas. Not seeing deceased, he went to his bedroom, where he found him sitting in a rocker fully dressed, but dead. Investigation showed that it was evidently a case of suicide, planned with a good deal of care. The coal heater had been filled recently, the dampers closed and the stove doors left open, allowing the gas to escape into the room. Pillows had been placed at the bottom of the door and all apertures closed by which the gas might escape into the open air. An iron pot of charcoal had also been suspended from the ceiling and hung at his head. This had been lighted and the fumes from it inhaled.

A large butcher knife, newly sharpened was fond nearby, which would have been used, it is thought, to commit the deed, if the other means had not been effective.

Beside the dead man were found two letters, one addressed to a sister, and the other to a well-known resident of town.

Coroner Lemon decided that an inquest was unnecessary.

Richard C. Williams was about sixty years of age, and was a skillful carpenter. He had been a resident of Thorold for many years, and for a long time had been employed in the basket factory owned by his brother, George H. Williams. He was very popular among the employees. For some months, however, he had been out of employment, and this, together with other matters of a private nature, it is thought, brought on a fit of despondency, which terminated so sadly and fatally on Monday night. Mrs. Williams has been to England for some months having gone there for her health. A brother, Mr. George H. Williams and two sisters, Mrs. B. Ball and Mrs. John McDonagh reside in Thorold.

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